Sunday, April 3, 2011

Thor: The God Of Steroids

Hey I have an observation to make about the new Thor film coming out. Here it is. "There is no way the dude playing Thor isn't on steroids." For real Chris Hemsworth was previously in Star Trek (2009) and in that movie he was a tall string bean. He was cast as Thor in early 2010 and filming began a few months later. 

So with 5 months to go before filming began he started on the juice specifically Dexamethasone aka Decka. The guy claimed he put on 35lbs and of that weight 20lbs was muscle. In such a short amount of time it is impossible to do such things without the assistance of drugs. I knew a guy who took Decka and it added 100lbs to his bench press and this guy was in his forties. Yeah right this Thor dude only ate chicken breasts and shakes to get that big. I bet those chicken breasts were followed up by weekly injections of the Decka. Hey I want some of that roids too, I'll put it on my cheeseburger. Decka from Asgard.

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